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Cage mower Sharpening & Backlapping paste for sharp blades + FREE brush - 350 grams

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Reel mower Grinding & Backlapping paste. Used for moderate amounts of rust and dirt. This grit is fine enough to sharpen sharp and coarse enough to remove sharp edges and rust. With FREE brush for applying the paste to the blades.

Regular grass cutting with a sharp, properly adjusted reel mower is one of the factors in creating and maintaining an attractive turf.

Backlapping reel mowers with this sharpening compound will help prevent these problems and save time and money.

Properly sharpened and adjusted blades, cut the grass neatly, without torn or jagged edges.

Rough and torn edges on grass give a brown appearance, no matter how well the grass is otherwise cared for. These jagged tips also give greater opportunity for fungi and other diseases to attack the turf.

Backlapping with grinding paste will improve the cutting action by removing nicks and high points from the blades. This grinding/backlapping is usually done twice a year.

Backlapping with grinding paste takes very little time and removes very little metal from the blades.

The grit here has an average diameter of 0.1 - 0.15mm. It is used for an average amount of rust and dirt. This grit is fine enough to sharpen sharp and coarse enough to remove sharp edges and rust.

When backlapping, the mower blades rotate in opposite directions. You apply the grinding paste to the mower blades. The grinding paste is then pressed between the cutting cylinder and the bottom blade. After backlapping, you can test whether the blades are sharp again by putting a piece of paper between the blades.

How long do you need to backlap?

Maintaining the sharpness of the knives takes about 5 minutes. If you have waited too long to backlap then the blades will be too blunt and it will take longer.

As it is used more often, the blades will wear out and the mower will not run optimally. With backlapping, you maintain the sharp edges of the mower blades; it is actually always quick. After all, the contact area is then smaller; it takes about five minutes. This only works if you regularly backlap the reel mower from the start. Backlapping really only makes sense if you do it regularly and preventively. Depending on use, about twice a year.  By backlapping regularly, you maintain the sharpness and also little change to the cutting configuration.

For a good result

When backlapping, you need to meet a number of conditions.

Before starting backlapping, make sure the mower unit is thoroughly clean. If this is not the case, the grinding paste will mix with, for example, grass clippings and there will be no effect.
This way, you ensure that backlapping is done equally on both sides of the mower.
Remember safety. It's important to use a brush with a long handle when applying the paste so that you can't get your hands into the mower unit.
When you have finished backlapping, clean the mower unit well with water. If you don't clean properly, the grit will remain in the mower and negate backlapping.

As you mow, the blades at the front become blunter. While the back end actually becomes sharper. By rotating the blade in the opposite direction during sharpening, the front becomes sharp again, and your reel mower is sharpened.

Applying the paste

Application with a brush

By applying sharpening paste to the mower blades, you can make the mower sharpen itself, so to speak. Apply sharpening paste to the blades of the reel mower. Move the brush from left to right along the reel to spread the sharpening paste over the full width of the blades. Lubricate the blades well.

Walk the reel mower for a bit on a hard surface

In this step, the blades are actually sharpened.

  • The sharpening paste is on the blade roller and it rotates counterclockwise.
  • Then by walking with it for a bit, the blades are sharpened automatically.
  • Don't walk too fast let the sharpening paste do the work.
  • Keep at it until you feel virtually no resistance.

Clean the blade roller of the reel mower

  • Remove any remaining grinding paste on the blades of the reel mower.
  • Take an old cloth or rag to thoroughly wipe the blade roller.